Frequently Asked Questions
How long does the process take?
Each situation is unique, therefore we cannot guarantee a time frame. On average we take from 3-6 weeks once you have completed your client application intake form and paid your registration fee. Some factors that influence the time it takes to place a candidate are location, language preferences, hours, number of candidates available, a preference for live-in, and the response from the family once a candidate is presented.
How do you recruit candidates?
Starz Staffing Agency is a part of different staffing associations and they allow us to post on their job board, we also start with our candidates already in our system, we utilize job databases popular in the required area requested, we also have a very strong network with other nannies, and newborn care specialist in the community. We also post on our website, social media, but rest assured your family's privacy is our biggest priority and no names or personal addresses will be shared without your permission.
Will the nanny drive?
If you want a nanny that drives, that is most certainly possible. We do suggest that the family provides a vehicle for the nanny to drive. We just ask that you put that in your application that a driver is required and will put that in the requirements section when candidates apply.
Do I pay the staff member or do I pay the agency directly?
No, you pay the nanny directly. After you pay the agency the placement fee, it is between you and the chosen candidate.
What housekeeping duties will my nanny provide?
Our nannies can help keep things organized but they are not housekeepers. It is important to discuss with your nanny what responsibilities they are ok to perform. We do let our nannies know they are not housekeepers and we support them if they do not choose to do heavy cleaning. It is important to be very detailed in your family application if you require a mixed role nanny/housekeeper. The more detailed you are, the better we can do to find the right fit for your family
What is the difference between a Newborn Care Specialist and a Nanny?
There are many similarities between a nanny and a newborn care specialist (NCS), but what sets them apart is their training and duties performed as well as the length of time they stay with a family is a big difference. A NCS is usually with a family for 3-6 months and focused on all newborn needs and helping new parents adjust to life with a new baby at home. A nanny can work with newborns but they are usually contracted for longer periods and they sometimes help around in different areas around the house, if agreed upon by both parties.
What qualifications do your candidates have?
We have a wide range of candidates depending on your family's needs. We have university students, early childhood educators, newborn care specialists, postpartum doulas, teachers, etc. We look at your family application and based on what your requirements are we go into our database or advertise a job posting with specific educational requirements. All our candidates are legally able to work in Canada, background verified, 21 years and over, First Aid and CPR certified, stellar references and have gone through our orientation process.